CHIPMAN, Noel Ingersoll (1891-1974) was born in Montreal on 14 October 1890 and articled with Alexander F. Dunlop in 1908-12. He attended McGill University in 1912-15, then served with the Canadian Army during WWI and later took courses at the Architectural Association in London in 1919 before returning to Montreal to complete his studies at McGill University in 1920. He worked briefly for Fetherstonhaugh & McDougall, then moved to New York City where he was assistant in the offices of Walker & Gillette and with W.L. Bottomley, a prominent designer of sumptuous country houses. He returned to Montreal in 1924 and worked for Huntley W. Davis (in 1924-25) and for Samuel A. Finley (in 1926-27). Chipman opened an office in Montreal in early 1927 and was active there until 1963 when he retired from active practice and moved to Florida. He died at St. Petersburg, Florida on 29 October 1974 (obituary The Gazette [Montreal], 31 Oct. 1974, 28; biog. W. Wood, Storied Province of Quebec: Past & Present, 1931, iv, 495-6; Who's Who in Canada, 1936-7, 196; biog. and list of works E. McMann, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts: Spring Exhibitions 1880-1970, 67, inf. Prov. of Quebec Association of Architects).
(works in Montreal unless noted)
WESTMOUNT, residence for Grant Johnston, Anworth Road, 1927 (McMann, list of works)
MOUNTAIN STREET, residence for Bernard H. Halward, 1927 (McMann, list of works)
ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST ANGLICAN CHURCH, Ontario Street West at St. Urbain Street, renovations to the parish hall and clergy house for the church, 1928, with construction of a new Parish Hall and rectory, 1930 (Gazette [Montreal], 23 Feb. 1928, 8, descrip.; 28 Feb. 1930, 6; C.R., xlii, 18 April 1928, 69; inf. Scott Edwards)
WESTMOUNT, residence for Cecil G. Bronson, Clarke Avenue, 1928 (C.R., xlii, 22 Aug. 1928, 92)
METIS BEACH, QUE., cottage for J.N. Laing, 1929 (McMann, list of works)
COMO, QUE., cottage for P.A. Thomson, 1929 (C.H.G., viii, Feb. 1931, 30-1, illus.)
JONES & HEWARD BUILDING, St. James Street, new facade and major interior alterations, 1929 (R.A.I.C. Journal, viii, Dec. 1931, 410; Montreal, Les Hotels Les Immeubles de Bureaux, 1983, 60-2, illus.)
WESTMOUNT, residence for Walter C. Wonham, Wood Avenue, c. 1930 (C.H.G., viii, April 1931, 27, illus.)
W. SCOTT & SONS, Drummond Street near Dorchester Street West, art gallery, clubroom and store block, 1931 (C.R., xlv, 7 Jan. 191, 47; R.A.I.C. Journal, viii, Dec. 1931, 410)
COMO, QUE., residence for E.E. Kenyon, 1936 (McMann, list of works)
CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL (Anglican), Ste. Catherine Street West, new interior lighting system within the nave, 1937 (Gazette [Montreal], 3 April 1937, 20, descrip.; Montreal, Les Eglises, 1981, 10)
HILL PARK CIRCLE, residence for V.M. Lynch-Staunton, c. 1937 (McMann, list of works)
ST. AGATHE, QUE. cottage for B.M. Hallward, 1938 (McMann, list of works)